Do You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney for a Theft Charge?
Theft Charges come in many forms (i.e., Petty, Grand, Auto, Embezzlement). Just as in other cases, it can be confusing to understand these charges against you as well as the criminal process itself. An experienced theft crimes lawyer can be of assistance to you in this regard. In a free and confidential initial consultation, Santa Barbara Attorney William C. Makler can discuss with you the Theft charges facing you, a friend, or family member. If he takes your case, he will use his 25 years of criminal justice experience to get you the best possible outcome.
Contact theft crimes attorney William C. Makler for more information and a free consultation. All communications are strictly confidential.
Depending on the circumstances of your case, and your past, the district attorney might very well offer you the option of taking a class in place of formal prosecution. An order diversion program is known as the Theft Awareness Program (“TAP”) may be offered as well as a newer version called the Misdemeanor Diversion Program (“MDP”). To find out if you are a candidate for TAP or MDP, and how to improve your chances of getting approved for it, you are encouraged to call for, or request by email, a free consultation with an experienced and pro-active attorney.
Anyone charged with theft should consult a lawyer right away. Even the smallest of charges can affect your future profoundly. Whether it is your immigration future, your job future, working in the financial sector, professional licensing, public office and your reputation as an honest and trustworthy person, much is at stake. It’s not just pay a fine and go. Contact us for a free consultation right away.
If you find yourself searching for a theft crimes lawyer, call us now at (805) 892-4922 for a free, no obligation, consultation. Or, if you prefer it, you may fill in your contact information and a description of what criminal legal problem you may need help with in the contact form to the right and Mr. Makler will get back to you as soon as possible and frequently within a few minutes. Our offices are conveniently located right near the Superior Court building.